Podcasts of the Month: Garden and Balcony – Media

green city people


Pick rocket and oregano for the pizza topping from the balcony pot. Harvest a few cocktail tomatoes that are growing towards the sun and treat your friends to a freshly prepared meal: In the podcast of the magazine “Mein schöner Garten” listeners learn that vegetables and fruit can also be planted in a small space. Twice a month, Karina Dinser-Nennstiel, landscape architecture engineer, delivers the to-do list of things to do in the garden, on the balcony and on the windowsill, appropriate to the season. Changing garden specialists will also be on the microphone, revealing their tricks. Anyone who listens to them learns to distinguish between good and bad garden soil and learns that every plant needs its own customized substrate, only for geraniums does universal soil work. And: the white globules in the potting soil are not snail eggs. In addition: If you plant strawberries and basil on the balcony, you don’t have to worry about vermin. By the time the snails have reached the top, the season is over. There are 58 episodes so far. As individual as your own garden is, as wide-spread are the green city people also the topics. Daniela Gorgs

garden radio


Heike Sicconi is in a long-distance relationship. She lives on the Rhine, while her allotment garden is in Havelland. For her garden podcast, which she tends to with the support of three colleagues in the media greenhouse of the Leipzig podcast radio detector.fm, it is definitely an advantage that the radio journalist has few roots. After all, she tills a wide field, so it helps not to be tied to one clod. Sicconi provides her audience with down-to-earth information when it comes to salad beds and shady corners in the garden, aphids and mowing the lawn. Her garden radio is not just a guide format. On the contrary, Sicconi regularly portrays people who, if they were part of a botanical garden, would definitely be classified as exotic: for example the botanist Michael Schwerdtfeger, who is also a tattoo artist and specializes in floral motifs. Or Katharina von Ehren, who as tree broker works, as a kind of tree broker. As well as the musicians of the First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra. The podcast thrives on these original approaches – one should say: on this wild growth. Stephen Fisher

leaf whisper


There are problem children and little darlings. Some are afraid of contact and need their space, while others need a lot of attention: This applies not only to people, but also to indoor plants. And what do indoor plants and Pokémon cards have in common? You can collect them. OK, that was easy. However, indoor plants are much more than decorative collectibles. In “Blattgeflüster”, the magazine’s houseplant podcast Beautiful living and couch and the portal pflanzenglück.de, Marike Götz not only talks to plant bloggers about trends such as the cultivation of “microgreens” – i.e. small vegetable and herb seedlings that can be harvested after just a few days – but also about the emotional bond with the green roommates. Whispering with plants, stroking them and naming them not only strengthens the relationship between plant and human, but perhaps also the plant itself. Escape the hustle and bustle of the big city and take care of the local ones urban jungle take care of – sounds like every plant whisperer’s dream. Eve Goldbach

All carrots, or what?


Short-trimmed lawns, bare rock gardens, dense thuja hedges: bees often look in vain for flowers in German gardens. People don’t make it easy for them, but more and more of the 585 native wild bee species are threatened with extinction. How to help bees and look forward to a rich harvest can be seen in the current episode of All carrots, or what? listen. In the NDR podcast, which appears every two weeks and is moderated by Ralf Walter, garden topics from A for cultivation to Z for ornamental pumpkins are presented in an easily understandable way. Always there: An expert who not only clearly explains the topics in conversation with Walter, but also answers listener questions in a technically sound manner. If you listen, even passionate hobby and balcony gardeners will always learn something new. This time: How to set up nesting sites for wild bees and create a snack garden with plants typical of the region. In the end, both sides benefit from this, because those who welcome the buzzing insects on their balcony and in the garden will be rewarded with a rich harvest later in the year. Carina Seeburg


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