Podcast “important today”: What do climate conferences bring?

“important today”
What do climate conferences bring? An 18 year old knows the answer

“The last time I heard about sustainability in school was in fourth grade on the subject of the water cycle,” says Joshua Steib

© Leigh Vogle

The UN climate conference is drawing to a close. So far without any noteworthy results. What is the authorization of such events? And what has to happen for something to change? 18-year-old UN youth delegate Joshua Steib knows it.

Until Friday, almost 200 countries are discussing measures at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. But so far without success. According to experts, the earth is currently warming by 2.7 degrees and the previous decisions of the COP26 cannot really change that. Like the previous 25 UN climate conferences. “Every year there is a world climate conference, and every year the emissions continue to rise,” says 18-year-old UN youth delegate Joshua Steib. Above all, he calls for young people to have a say and for more environmental education: “The last time I heard about sustainability in school was in the fourth grade on the subject of the water cycle. After that, there was slack. That has to change.”

Michel Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, strong opinion, on the 12: “Today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with poise and sometimes uncomfortably. This is what host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for star– and RTL reporters: inside with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day informed and can have a sound say.

Pluto is supposed to go back to the solar system

Pluto has not been part of our solar system since 2006. The International Astronomical Union decided at that time to revoke the planetary status of the former outermost planet of the solar system and to make it from now on a dwarf planet with the order number 134340. Hundreds of lexicons, school and textbooks had to be changed as a result, the solar system now only had eight planets. But there are protests: as early as 2009, the Senate of Illinois, the home state of Pluto discoverer Clyde Tombaugh, decided to continue to regard Pluto as a planet. More and more researchers and experts are doing this too.

Now a research group has presented a detailed study that is supposed to prove that Pluto is a planet and that the real problem is the term “planet”. That is why they propose a new definition for “planet”, which would mean that we would suddenly have significantly more planets in the solar system than just eight or nine. Research director Philip Metzger said that this was not a problem at all, and that it could, on the contrary, rekindle the waning interest in discovering new celestial bodies.

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