Podcast “important today”: The year 2022 in the economy

Podcast “important today”
Upheaval instead of collapse: The year 2022 in the economy

“Capital” Editor-in-Chief Horst von Buttlar

© Frank May / Picture Alliance

“This war is making us all poorer” – a sentence that contains truth, says “Capital” editor-in-chief Horst von Buttlar when looking at the financial year 2022. But he also encourages the coming year: “There is not only collapse , there is also departure.”

The start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine was “a historic moment of shock,” says Horst von Buttlar in the 431st episode, “important today.” It is a crisis that marked the year. Because while in other crises, the pandemic, the financial crisis, you could put together aid packages and flee to the digital world, this crisis is starting with our energy supply and is causing people to have existential concerns, says the editor-in-chief of “Capital” and ” Business and Knowledge” on RTL News.

Horst von Buttlar tells in the podcast about the beginning of the war, which coincided with a corona infection for the journalist. “I saw how the Corona ticker was suddenly replaced by the Ukraine ticker.” Horst von Buttlar says he grew up in a generation in which the world kept getting better because people worked together internationally. “And that was shaken by the war.” And while a solution to the crisis was found in the pandemic with the vaccine, “this central event of hope” is now missing.

“We are ahead of the situation for the first time”

Nevertheless, Horst von Buttlar allows optimism in the annual review of the economy with “important today”. The mood brightened a bit towards the end of the year, the gas storage facilities are full, the LNG terminals are ready: “We’re about to catch our breath. We’re in the situation for the first time.” Germans underestimate the art of adaptation. Although this adjustment will be painful and our prosperity is in question, “Sometimes we act as if the future is a book with pages already written on, but these pages are white.”

Relief packages from the traffic light government: “Bitter debts that hurt”

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the big reckoning will probably not come until March. But then the relief packages from the traffic light government will take effect. According to Horst von Buttlar, the double boom, the 200 billion in subsidies, are “bitter debts that hurt”. Because the state provides the largest single subsidy in the history of the country – money “that goes down the chimney once” and that one would gladly have used for something else, he says. He gives the economic policy of the traffic light government a certificate for the past year that everything is fine overall, because: “The traffic light was only busy with crisis management.” So it is more than understandable that the war robbed politicians of some of their plans for the future.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

“It’s too early to give the all-clear,” says Horst von Buttlar with a view to 2023. The “Capital” editor-in-chief also believes that the coming year could surprise us. The Ifo index has risen slightly, there could be growth and the recession could also be milder than feared. “Germany’s relegation is not settled.”

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