Podcast “important today”: motivational coach Janis McDavid about crises, Ukraine and Kilimanjaro

“Important Today”
Without arms and legs on Kilimanjaro: “A backpacker in the truest sense of the word”

Motivation coach and Unicef ​​ambassador Janis McDavid

© Sven Hasse

“Basically, crises are the most normal thing in the world,” says Janis McDavid at least. And he should know, because he is a true professional when it comes to crises. The motivational coach and Unicef ​​ambassador has had to overcome a number of hurdles in his own life because he was born without arms and legs.

For Janis McDavid, crises as we know them are the most normal thing in the world. That’s why it still surprises the 30-year-old motivational coach when people are surprised when they have a crisis. “Human life and our coexistence is constantly shaped by crises,” says McDavid in episode 264 of the podcast “important today”. For many, what is really new about the situation is the fact that “we are experiencing that these crises are getting closer and closer to us”. And how close, he had to experience first-hand from the Ukraine war. “I hit rock bottom when the war in Ukraine started,” he tells podcast host Michel Abdollahi. For a week and a half, McDavid felt very powerless, even reporting being unable to work.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

In December 2021, Janis McDavid traveled to Ukraine as a Unicef ​​ambassador and met open and committed activists. But barely six months later there was war there, and the motivational coach felt powerless. Because he is aware of how helpful donations and solidarity are, but at the end of the day that would “not end these atrocities”. For him, it is important to also illuminate this side transparently, because he himself does not think much of “colleagues who act as motivational trainers, where you have the feeling they are always happy.” In his opinion, this behavior is “inhuman” and, above all, “unhealthy”.

As a backpacker on Kilimanjaro

But the Berliner also had reason to celebrate. Together with four other friends, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania as a “backpacker in the truest sense of the word”. Because of his congenital handicap, McDavid was placed in a commercial tracking backpack and carried all the way to the summit by his friends. McDavid himself admits: “None of us thought that all five of us would actually make it up there.” He is all the more pleased that they all made it together and describes the experience as a “mega experience”.

Boris Becker: A sports legend who may have to go to prison

We also look to London for “Today Important” – Boris Becker, one of Germany’s greatest athletes, is on trial there. Three weeks ago, the tennis hero was found guilty by a jury on four out of 24 charges. Judge Deborah Taylor will announce the sentence today. In short, Boris Becker is accused of deliberately not having disclosed some parts of his assets in insolvency proceedings. His defense attorney, on the other hand, says his client is naive but innocent. Theoretically, Boris Becker could even go to prison for this judgment – ​​we will find out today.

German Podcast Award: Vote for “important today”

“Today important” is nominated for the audience award at the German Podcast Award, in the category “News and Politics”. You can vote here. Don’t miss any episode of “today important” and subscribe to our podcast at: AudioNow, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, deezer, cast box or on their favorite podcast app. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write to us at [email protected].

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