Podcast “important today”: “If everything is bombed, you don’t have to watch out for it”

“important today”
Escape from Ukraine: “If everything is bombed, you don’t have to be careful”

Refugees from Ukraine arrive at a newly built arrival center on the tarmac of the former Tegel Airport

© Christophe Gateau / DPA

More than 200,000 Ukrainians have fled to Germany so far – Viktoria and her family are among them. Editor Dimitri Blinski met them on the ICE and talked to them about their difficult journey to Germany.

More than two billion people in the world do not have secure access to clean water. And since climate change is heating up the planet unchecked, drinking water could also become scarce in Europe in the near future. “In the last 20 years, the water table [in Deutschland] dropped sharply,” says Carolin Stüdemann, Managing Director of Viva con Agua, an organization that campaigns for access to clean drinking water around the world. In some regions in Germany, wells are already dry, she said on World Water Day at “today important “Apart from climate change, the sealing of the soil and the ever-increasing use of water by industry are also leading to possible water shortages. Everyone must therefore be aware of their water consumption – and that also means paying attention to how much water behind each bought food stands.

A train ride with Ukrainian refugees

Anyone who has recently taken the train may have come across Ukrainian refugees. Every day people arrive in Germany and take the train to acquaintances, to volunteers or reception stations. “Today important” editor Dimitri Blinski met such a family on the journey from Berlin to Cologne, and because he speaks Russian and many Ukrainians do the same, he was able to talk to the family. Viktoria is around 50 years old and had to leave her son behind: “My daughter lives in Russia, my son had to stay in Ukraine. […] There are currently no buses in Ukraine, so I said to my relatives: We have to go now, as long as at least the trains are still running.” Dimitri Blinski tells in the 237th episode of the morning podcast.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

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