Podcast “important today”: cabaret artist Florian Schroeder on the vaccination debate

“important today”
Cabaret artist Florian Schroeder: “Society shouldn’t bleed for a few unteachable people”

“Freedom means that everyone can believe in the madness they want to believe in,” says the cabaret artist Florian Schroeder in the “Today important” podcast

© Frank Eidel

In the middle of the fourth corona wave, one thing is raging more violently than ever before, as well as the virus: the debate about people who do not want to be vaccinated. Some unvaccinated people confuse the right to freedom of expression with the expectation not to be criticized, says cabaret artist Florian Schroeder.

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Daily records in case numbers and incidences – nevertheless, some are still reluctant to let the spades against Corona be missed. Cabaret artist Florian Schroeder is fed up with those vaccinated having to pay for the unwillingness of others. “Why should society as a whole bleed for the fact that a certain number of unteachable people simply don’t want to be vaccinated? Then you just have to live with restrictions, that’s part of it,” he says.

Freedom of expression does not protect against counter-speech

It would be dangerous, however, if some groups were to spread disinformation in a targeted manner. “You can say anything. But if you claim something that is simply wrong, there will be people who will correct you! Good!” Said Schroeder. This has nothing to do with a lack of freedom of expression. “Part of freedom is that everyone can believe in the madness they want to believe in. And that they can say it publicly. But there is a difference between opinion and hatred. And everything in which people are discredited and discriminated against (.. .) is not covered by freedom of expression. “

Michel Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “Today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with poise and sometimes uncomfortably. This is what host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for star– and RTL reporters: inside with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a sound say.

The situation between the EU and Belarus is getting worse

While the foreign ministers of the EU discussed new sanctions against Belarus on Monday in Brussels, thousands of refugees are still waiting for help in sub-zero temperatures in the border area between Belarus and Poland. RTL reporter Marc Chmiel is currently on the move in the border area and describes the misery of people who actually hoped for a better life in “heute important”. The people at the border often paid thousands of euros for the trip to Belarus – only to end up suffering from hunger and thirst: “Apparently the children had to eat grass in the last few days because they had nothing to eat or drink.”

Rumors of the imminent opening of the border are spreading very quickly, but often nothing but disappointment awaits people at the border. A picture that does not leave the reporter indifferent: “The situation for the people here, now even with temperatures below zero, is really difficult to endure.”


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