Poacher shot dead in South Africa – he killed lions, elephants and giraffes

Riaan Naude
‘He died the way he lived’: poachers and trophy hunters shot dead in South Africa

Riaan Naude ran the company “Pro Hunt Africa”, with which he offered hunting expeditions in South Africa

For years, Riann Naude hunted animals – and boasted about their dead bodies. Now the 55-year-old big game hunter himself has been found shot.

Lions, elephants, giraffes – for years Riaan Naude lay in wait and killed hundreds of animals. Now the 55-year-old poacher has been found dead next to his car in South Africa’s Limpopo. He reportedly went off the road because his vehicle overheated. A white Nissan pickup truck is said to have stopped next to him, from which two men got out. One of them is said to have shot Naude.

The men then grabbed one of his weapons and fled, according to the Heritage Protection Group on Facebook. The police have not yet confirmed the reports. However, witnesses said they saw such a pickup truck near the scene of the crime. The big game hunter is said to have been on his way to Kruger National Park.

Naude boasted about hunting expeditions and “trophies” on Instagram

According to one police officer, police had found Naude’s body “lying face up” with “blood on his head and face.” “The motive for the attack and subsequent murder is unknown at this time,” he says.

Riaan Naude ran the company “Pro Hunt Africa”, with which he offered hunting expeditions in South Africa: 820 euros to hunt a zebra, 1250 euros for a giraffe and 2000 euros for a crocodile. A hunt for a lioness could be booked for 4500 euros. In addition, Naude is said to have killed many endangered species. The 55-year-old triumphantly displayed himself, his hunting guests and the prey he had killed on social media. “Pro Hunt Africa” ​​advertises with the slogan “We are your Africa dream!” (in German: “We are your Africa dream”).

An African elephant attacks

“He died the way he lived.”

The news of Naude’s death spread quickly. One user wrote on Twitter: “You dedicated your life to killing, piling up corpses, starting a company to kill more and get rich. And you end up like a common wild animal.” Another user comments: “He died the way he lived.”

Sources: New York Post, RTL, picture


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