PlayStation Studios: Sony acquires Savage Game Studios

Sony has announced the purchase of another development studio, this time it’s Savage Game Studios.

Savage Game Studios is a relatively young studio that was founded in 2020 and focuses on mobile games.

Mobile project in progress

According to Hermen Hulst, Head of PlayStation Studios, the studio is currently working on an unannounced triple-A mobile live service action game.

“Savage Game Studios is part of the newly formed PlayStation Studios Mobile Division, which operates independently of console development and focuses on innovative mobile experiences based on new and existing PlayStation IPs,” said Hulst.

More on the subject:

“As we’ve assured you with our plans to bring select titles to PC, our efforts off console in no way diminish our commitment to the PlayStation community or our passion to continue creating great, narrative-driven single-player experiences .”

“We entered into this agreement because we believe the leadership of PlayStation Studios respects our ideas about how we can work best and thrive, and because they too are not afraid to take risks,” said Mikhail Katkoff, CEO and co-founder of Savage Game Studios.

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