Planting zucchini in April: Tips & tricks for the garden and raised beds

Gardening tips
Planting zucchini: This is how you properly cultivate the delicious all-rounder

Not only do zucchini bloom profusely, they can also be used in many ways in the kitchen and on the grill.

© N-sky / Getty Images

Zucchini taste great grilled, as a casserole extra, breaded or stuffed. If you want to harvest the popular fruit vegetable yourself this summer, you should plant zucchini in April. The most important tips and tricks for sowing and care.

Appeared in the top ten of the most popular vegetables among Germans Zucchini will not be available in 2023 either. This is probably because the small, slim pumpkins are rarely used as raw food. Tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers are clearly ahead in these statistics for exactly this reason. The zucchini, which comes from Peru and Mexico and later “immigrated” from southern Europe, is very well used in kitchens here. They are suitable for frying, refining casseroles, as oven vegetables or as a vegan alternative for the grill. This is another reason why many vegetable fans are choosing to plant zucchini this gardening season. In this article you will find out what you need to pay attention to, what mistakes you should avoid and when the best time is to make them.

Planting zucchini: preferring or directly outdoors?

As with tomatoes, peppers and some other vegetables, there are two ways to plant zucchini. Team Impatience buys a bag of seeds in the spring (e.g. the variety “Black Beauty”) and prefers young zucchini plants on the windowsill at home. With so-called pre-cultivation, zucchini usually germinate within a week (room temperature approx. 20°C). If you pack the seeds into seed pots in April, you can plant the young plants in the bed in mid-May. Important: Wait Ice Saints (2024: May 11th to 15th) because the delicate plants could freeze in the event of night frost. If you still can’t wait, you should at least cover it with garden foil overnight. Team Relaxation waits until mid/end of May and sows the zucchini directly outdoors. If you don’t have a garden, you can also cultivate zucchini in a small balcony raised bed or larger container. Danger: Always plant two plants so that they can fertilize each other. Smaller varieties should be planted about 60 centimeters apart. Larger ones require up to one meter of space.

Zucchini are so-called heavy feeders. This means that they should be regularly and well supplied with nutrients. Mature compost, loose soil and a thin layer of mulch made from grass clippings are the perfect breeding ground for later harvest success. In addition, zucchini should be watered well in the morning if possible. Why: If the soil and root balls dry out, the fruits can become bitter. If you don’t want to wait the six to eight weeks from sowing to the first harvest, you can get pre-cultivated zucchini from well-stocked garden shops. Here, too, you should follow the weather forecast when planting and wait for possible night frost.

Planting zucchini outdoors: step by step

  1. Remove plants with root balls from the pot
  2. Dip into bucket and water until no more bubbles appear
  3. With Plant trowel Prepare planting hole
  4. Insert the plant including the root ball and press down a little
  5. Pour on
  6. Place additional plants at least 60 cm (small) to 100 cm apart

Tip for raised beds & balconies: Place plants deliberately in the corners to save space. They then grow over the edge and still get enough sun.

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Tips on location and soil

As already indicated, zucchini develop best on soil that is as loose, nutrient-rich and humus-rich as possible. Due to their origin, zucchini love the sun, but can also live well in partially shaded locations. They naturally don’t like frost at all. This is another reason why we would like to point out that if possible, only put them outside after the Ice Saints in mid-May.

Source: Statista

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