Planting, varieties, cultivation and maintenance

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Presentation of the kalanchoe

Fact sheet :

Scientific nameKalanchoe
Other nameKalanchoe
EtymologyIt was the French botanist Michel Adanson who gave its name to this botanical genus and one of the possible origins of Kalanchoe is the Chinese expression “Kalan Chauhuy” which means “which falls and which grows”
OriginAfrica, Asia, Madagascar
Dimensions30 to 35 cm high at maturity for the Blossfeld kalanchoe, but some other species can reach 3 meters high
Flower color(s)WhiteYellowsRedsLight rosesRoses
Leaf color(s)Light green
Appearance of the flowersFlowers in erect corymbs

Leaf appearanceLeaves as long as they are wide, smooth and toothed

Plant typeSucculent
Foliage in winterPersistent













The varietiesKalanchoe beharensis, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe luciae, Kalanchoe marmorata, Kalanchoe tomentosa, Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, etc.

Culture sheet:














GrowthSlow to fast depending on the species
GroundDrained, Mineral
UsePot, Tray
MultiplicationSemi, Cutting
Disease(s) and pest(s)Resistant but sensitive to humidity

What is the ideal light and exposure for the kalanchoe?

Kalanchoe is a plant that needs plenty of light for optimal flowering. Whether you grow it indoors or outdoors, give it a sunny, bright location, but protected from the scorching rays of the sun.

What is the ideal temperature for kalanchoe?

Kalanchoe being a chilly plant due to its origins, it is mainly grown indoors in regions where temperatures tend to drop below -2°C in winter.

However, this does not prevent you from letting him spend the summer outside before bringing him inside as soon as the temperatures drop.

On the other hand, in regions with milder winters, it can be grown in the ground, in a pot or in a planter throughout the year, provided install it in a location protected from cold drafts and, if necessary, using a winter sail when temperatures drop. On the other hand, kalanchoes are very resistant to heat.

Watering kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant, which means that it has water reserves in its leaves. As a result, it only needs moderate watering. This means that it is only necessary to water it when the soil is dry. Here are some precautions to take:

  • Opt for one good watering rather than several small ones.
  • Avoid watering the foliage, as it is sensitive to humidity.
  • During the flowering period, focus on watering once a week.
  • In autumn, start to space out waterings to only water once a month in winter.

If your kalanchoe is grown in the ground, it is not necessary to water, except when planting it.

Ideal atmospheric humidity

Being native to countries with a hot and dry climate, kalanchoe is a succulent plant that fears excess humidity.

What types of soil and fertilizer for your Kalanchoe?


Like all succulent plants, kalanchoe needs a perfectly drained soil. If this is not the case, its roots risk rotting, which would be fatal for your plant. If you grow your kalanchoe in the ground, do not hesitate to add coarse sand to the soil in your garden.

For growing in a pot, it is preferable to use special potting soil for Mediterranean plants or for flowering plants to which you have added coarse sand to promote drainage.


Fertilizer is not obligatory especially if you repot your plant regularly. Otherwise, adding a fertilizer for flowering plants will allow you to stimulate its flowering.

Planting kalanchoe and repotting

Whether you grow your kalanchoe in the ground or in a pot, this second solution being the most common, it is important to provide it with a well-drained and draining substrate. To do this :

  • For growing in a pot, choose a pot of suitable size, preferably terracotta and with a pierced bottom.
  • Install a 2 to 3 cm thick drainage bed at the bottom of the planting hole or pot. You can use clay balls or gravel.
  • Install the kalanchoe in the hole or in the pot.
  • Fill the hole with a draining mixture, as explained above.
  • Press lightly with the flat of your hand.
  • Finish with watering.

As for the repottingit must take place every year, preferably in spring. If the growth of your kalanchoe is rather slow, repotting every 2 or even 3 years will be sufficient.

How to propagate kalanchoe?

You can divide, sow or take cuttings from kalanchoe.


It is possible to sow kalanchoe. To do this :

  • Sow seeds in a fine, sandy substrate.
  • It is then important to keep the substrate moist until germination.
  • Kalanchoe seeds germinate more easily if the ambient temperature is maintained between 25 and 35°C.
  • Transplant the seedlings into individual pots as soon as you can handle them.

Cutting from suckers

At the base of your kalanchoe’s trunk, you may notice that rejections develop. All you have to do is carefully remove them to obtain new plants.

Multiplication by leaves

This technique consists of taking a small part of the trunk with a well-inflated leaf, then placing the leaf(s), without burying them, on a light, moist substrate. It is then important to always ensure that the substrate is kept moist, but not waterlogged, until new small leaves appear.

How to prune kalanchoe?

Kalanchoe can be pruned after flowering, which amounts to cutting the large stems on which the flowers developed. You can also cut back 1 third of the length of each stem, which will allow you to maintain a compact shape.

Kalanchoe maintenance

It is a plant that requires little maintenance. This boils down to removing faded flowers and dry leaves gradually so as to preserve the aesthetics of the plant.

Species and varieties of kalanchoe: there are different species

As mentioned in the introduction, the Kalanchoe genus brings together numerous species which differ by their needs, but also their physical characteristics. Here are some of the main species:

  • Kalanchoe beharensis,
  • Kalanchoe blossfeldiana,
  • Kalanchoe luciae,
  • Kalanchoe marmorata,
  • Kalanchoe tomentosa,
  • Kalanchoe thyrsiflora,
  • etc.

The 4 points to remember about kalanchoe

  • The kalanchoe is a easy to grow succulent plant as long as we respect their needs.
  • He likes it in a drained soil and needs a lot of light to develop well.
  • Because he is cold and frosty, it is mainly grown indoors, but you can install it outside on sunny days, without forgetting to shelter it as soon as it starts to get cold.
  • Her winter flowering will bring a colorful touch to the gray surroundings.

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