[Plantes d’intérieur] The leaves speak to you! The keys to understanding their language

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Leaves falling after acquiring the plant

You bought a new plant and you take great care of it. Unfortunately, you have just noticed that it has already lost a few leaves. This may simply be related to change of environment that your plant suffered on the way from the garden center or nursery to your home, as well as the fact that its growth may have been forced before arriving on the shelves of the store where you bought it.

In this case, continue to monitor her and give her some time to acclimatize. On the other hand, if leaf fall continues and becomes significant, it will be necessary to look further into where the problem may be coming from.

Leaves falling suddenly and profusely

If your plant quickly loses a large number of its leaves, be reactive, because it is expressing great discomfort. But which one? To determine this, ask yourself the following questions, then depending on the conclusion you arrive at, react.

Questions to ask yourselfAnswers to provide
Does the location I have chosen for it meet its exhibition needs?Try moving your plant to a more or less bright location, depending on the plant.
Isn’t it too exposed to direct sunlight, like through a window?Try to move your plant so that the sun’s rays no longer reach it.
Isn’t it subject to excessive drafts?Try moving your plant away from the source of the draft.
Isn’t there water constantly stagnating in the cup?At the same time, check whether the pot is well pierced and allow your plant’s substrate to dry before any further watering. Never leave stagnant water in the cup.
Isn’t she the victim of an illness or insects?Take a closer look at your plant’s leaves for insects.

Lower leaves drying out and falling

If you notice the lower leaves drying out or even falling off, this may be due to dehydration of the leaves. This dehydration may be due to the fact that you often forget to water your plant or that your plant has been subjected to too much heat all at once, such as when you turn on your heating system or during a heatwave. is rife. The solution lies in rehydration.

Leaves that turn yellow

Yellowing of leaves can be a manifestation of different problems. You must therefore be attentive to spot other signs.

Associated symptomIssueSolution
Yellow and dry leavesInsufficient wateringWater regularly, but not excessively.
Yellow, soft leavesOverwatering leads to root rotSpace out the waterings and make sure that the substrate is sufficiently draining and that the pot in which you have installed your plant is pierced. Remember to never let water stagnate in the cup.
Yellow leavesLack of nutrients perhaps because your plant has been in the same pot and substrate for several yearsTwo scenarios are then possible:

1. Your plant has not grown too much and can stay in the same pot. In this case, scrape the surface of the substrate and put new potting soil in its place.

2. Your plant has grown well. Take the opportunity to install it in a larger pot.

Leaf tips turning brown

When leaf tips turn brown, it reflects a lack of humidity which may be due to forgetting to water or to ambient air that is too dry, as is often the case after switching on the heating. To remedy the problem, here are some solutions, depending on its origin:

  • If the substrate is dry, spray the leaves with water and try watering more frequently.
  • If the ambient air is too dry, be sure to ventilate regularly.
  • You can also use air humidifiers.
  • Additionally, adding plants can also help increase the humidity levels in your home. You can put them together to create a sort of microclimate.

Leaves that curl on themselves

If this happens to your plant, it is signaling to you that something is not right for it. Be sure to rmeet its needs for light, but also for watering. Also make sure that your plant is not installed in a draft and that the temperature is sufficient for its needs. Also check for pests.

Dull leaves

If you notice that your plant’s leaves tend to discolor, this is its way of telling you thatshe does not receive the light that suits her. Try moving it and monitoring it to see if any changes occur. Normally, it should quickly regain its beautiful original color.

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