Planegg – former mayor Günther Schuppler died – district of Munich

Planegg’s former mayor Günther Schuppler died at the age of 89. He was a local politician in the best sense, feared by opponents, popular with the people.

“Political veteran” – this often overused term is used to describe personalities who have been politically active for many years and have developed their own identity in the process. This characterization applies to Günther Schuppler, the former mayor of Planegg, municipal councilor for over 46 years, long-standing district councilor and finally honorary citizen of the Würmtal municipality. He was one of the last really original Planegger local politicians in the best sense of the word, popular with the citizens, but occasionally also feared by political opponents because of his polished speeches in the municipal council and his rich detailed knowledge. Unforgotten are his word duels with his political counterpart from the opposite side, Alfred Pfeiffer (SPD), he is also mayor and honorary citizen and in the implementation of his political views is often just as unyielding, even stubborn. But that didn’t change the kindness with which Schuppler, whom everyone just called “Schuppi”, appeared in public and in the many clubs in which he was a member.

In 1982 he became mayor of the red Planegg

Günther Schuppler was a real Würmtaler – but he was born in the Sudetenland. He came to Planegg almost 70 years ago, worked at the Max Planck Institute and became a food chemist. Most recently, he headed the State Trade Inspectorate in Munich for many years. He came to the CSU Planegg through the Junge Union, whose Würmtal branch he founded himself in the 1970s. He quickly made a career in the CSU, becoming the first mayor of the CSU in 1982 in Planegg, which was otherwise governed almost entirely by social democrats. During his term of office until 1990, almost 50 social and senior citizens’ apartments were built, the market square with underground car park and the triple gymnasium at the high school were designed. Schuppler paved the way for town twinning with the French town of Meylan. Schuppler was married to his wife Anita for more than 50 years, with whom he has a son and a daughter.

Today’s mayor Hermann Nafziger is a real foster child of Schuppler. His grief is correspondingly great: “I owe a lot to Schuppler,” says Nafziger, “he meant a lot to me. He took care of me when I joined the party as a completely inexperienced youngster. He was a friend and always stood up behind me.” With Schuppler’s death, Planegg “again lost one of his last originals. Few leave such footprints. He will be missed.”

Günther Schuppler died on Tuesday night at the age of 89. It is not yet clear when the funeral will take place. Nafziger assumes the second part of Easter week.

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