“Placebo” singer about Giorgia Meloni: “racist, fascist” – culture

There are many texts about Brian Molko on the Internet – of course, because the front man of the British indie band placebo is a well-known musician. The group has been together since 1994, and they attracted a lot of attention right from the first albums. This was due to the creative mix of rock, punk, grunge and a few more ingredients – but also because Molko in particular readily served the stereotype of “sex, drugs and rock’n’roll”. The Belgian-born son of an internationally successful banker openly admitted his bisexuality and drug use, and his androgynous appearance reminded him of old star David Bowie, who was a friend and supporter of the band. From the first album Placebo was successful and has sold more than 14 million albums to date. Songs like “Pure Morning” or “Every You, Every Me” became hits.

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