Pizza dough without yeast: quick lightning recipe with 5 ingredients

recipe suggestion
Pizza dough without yeast: With these basic ingredients, every pizza is a success

You don’t necessarily need yeast to prepare a delicious pizza

© Zakharova_Natalia / Getty Images

Whether fresh or dried: yeast is often out of stock. Although this ingredient is indispensable for the preparation of a traditional pizza, it is not absolutely necessary for a crispy dough.

Yeast is a leavening agent that primarily ensures that the pizza dough rises during baking. If this ingredient is missing, it can be replaced by another such as baking powder or baking soda be substituted – if you prefer a thicker batter. If you prefer a thin and crispy pizza crust, you can even omit the leavening agent altogether. But no matter which variant you choose, the fact is: Due to the lack of yeast, the dough can be processed directly. The pizza is therefore ready faster and goes straight into the oven after preparation. In this article you will find out which basic ingredients are required for this.

Recipe suggestion: How to make pizza dough without yeast

For the Dough you only need the following basic ingredients:

  • 350 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 200ml of water
  • Salt

Tip: You can also use milk (or a vegan alternative) instead of water to make the dough even fluffier. The pizza gets that certain something from dried herbs, which you can simply work directly into the dough.

For the preparation you will also need the following tools:

Tip: Use a so-called pizza stone – it stores the heat particularly well and releases it evenly. This makes the dough extremely crispy.

Once you have all the ingredients together, you can knead the dough five minutes start. Proceed as follows:

  1. Put the flour in the bowl along with the baking powder and some salt and mix everything together.

  2. Stir the water or milk together with the olive oil into the flour, preferably with the dough hook.

  3. Knead the dough until it is smooth and place it on a floured work surface.

  4. Roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin and transfer it to the baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Each pizza can be topped individually

The basic ingredients: dough, tomato sauce, mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, olive oil

© GreenArtPhotography / Getty Images

The pizza topping: These ingredients should not be missing

For an original italian pizza you need the following ingredients:

  • Tomato sauce
  • Mozzarella
  • basil
  • tomatoes

As far as the topping is concerned, there are no limits to the (own) creations: Whether ham or salami, tuna or chicken, mushrooms or onions – everything that tastes good is allowed. The pizza tastes even better if you make the tomato sauce yourself. All you need is 250ml of tomato passata, an onion, a clove of garlic, basil, oregano and rosemary, salt and pepper and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then proceed as follows:

Cut the onion and garlic clove into small cubes and fry them in a pan with a little olive oil. Add the tomato passata and herbs and let the sauce simmer over low heat for a few minutes. Then taste the sauce with salt and pepper – and pour it evenly over the pizza dough.

When the pizza dough is ready, it goes into the oven for 15 minutes at around 225 degrees – until the cheese is golden brown. We wish you a good appetite!

Tip: With a pizza cutter the dough can be easily divided.

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