Pistorius changes processes when purchasing equipment

As of: October 10, 2023 4:50 p.m

In view of the breakdown in the procurement of radio equipment, Defense Minister Pistorius wants to reorganize the procurement office. All those involved should be involved, said Pistorius ARD-Interview.

A coordination point at the Bundeswehr’s procurement office is intended to prevent a breakdown like the one with the major order for new radio equipment from happening again. Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) said this ARD capital studio, it’s about involving everyone involved – in the troops, in the ministry and in industry. The position will be established at a high level, under the civilian vice president of the procurement office.

Radios cause problems

It recently became clear that the new digital radio devices costing 1.3 billion euros cannot be installed in the Bundeswehr’s various vehicle types without problems. There is also talk of difficulties with battery supply and waste heat. The conversion is now taking significantly longer than planned, which is why the ministry is being criticized.

digitalization for Bundeswehr modernization

Digitalization plays a central role in the modernization of the Bundeswehr. The new radio devices are also intended to improve communication with units from other NATO countries – so far there has been a problem on the German side because of the old devices.

When asked about personnel consequences, Pistorius said he wanted to look at how the departments can become more effective. And literally: “We are setting up the house so that our soldiers are optimally equipped.”

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