Pietro Lombardi: His amazing success

DSDS winner
Pietro Lombardi turns 30: The amazing success story of the casting star

Pietro Lombardi turns 30 on June 9th.

© Universal Music / Marvin Stroeter

Pietro Lombardi became known more than ten years ago with his “DSDS” victory. This Thursday he is celebrating his 30th birthday – and he can already look back on a successful career.

Hardly any winner of the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” has made it as high as he has: Pietro Lombardi, who celebrates his 30th birthday on June 9th, continued the success of the casting show in 2011 and has experienced one high after the other ever since . “We never had a real low point,” said the 30-year-old in 2020 in conversation with bodybuilder and influencer Kevin Wolter. With “we” he meant himself and his ex-wife, then still girlfriend Sarah Engels, with whom he was in the “DSDS” final in 2011.

In the same interview, he explained how successful Pietro Lombardi really is. Although he is primarily known as a singer, Lombardi says he earns “the least a year” from music. He was a “franchiser,” he summarized. The 30-year-old has, among other things, companies, real estate and “a supermarket”. In a “really good month” he could “earn a million”. But it must be a “really, really good month”, with a “crass deal”, but there are “not many of them” in the year, Lombardi admitted. On average, he earns between 100,000 and 200,000 euros a month.

Pietro Lombardi celebrates success as a singer

Even if he now earns most of his money elsewhere, Lombardi has celebrated his first successes as a singer: After the “DSDS” victory, the former pizza maker reached the top of the charts in Germany, Austria and the USA with his winning song “Call My Name”. Switzerland. The debut album “Jackpot” achieved a similar success: number one in Germany and Austria, and number three in Switzerland. This was followed by “Pietro Style” (2011) and “Lombardi” (2020), in between the two long players “Dream Team” (2013) and “Teil von mir” (2016) with Sarah Engels, which, however, are no longer so high up placed in the charts.

Pietro Lombardi achieved his biggest hit to date together with rapper Kay One: The title “Señorita” (2017) went gold in Germany and ended up at the top of the charts in this country and in Austria. Lombardi’s singles “Phänomenal” (2018), “Bella Donna” (2019) and “Cinderella” (2020) were also awarded a gold record.

Achievements on TV

Over the years, Lombardi has become a big star, especially on TV. RTLzwei broadcast several docu-soaps that showed the life of Lombardi and his then wife Sarah. “Sarah & Pietro … build a house” started in 2015, followed by “Sarah & Pietro … have a baby” in the same year. After the wedding in 2013, their son Alessio was born in June 2015. In 2016, “Sarah & Pietro in a motorhome through Italy” was broadcast before the series ended in the same year with “Sarah & Pietro – The Whole Truth”. The two separated in October 2016, the divorce followed in 2019.

Pietro Lombardi has appeared in numerous other shows, such as “TV total Turmsprung” (2014), “Grill den Henssler” (2017), “Schlag den Star” (2018) and “Catch!” (2022). In 2019 and 2020 he was also a juror for “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”.

Famous friends – Oliver Pocher, Dieter Bohlen and the Zarrellas

One person has accompanied him in a very special way over the years: Dieter Bohlen (68), who named him the “DSDS” winner in 2011 and brought him to the jury in 2019. In an Instagram story, Lombardi recently revealed that the two were in contact “every day”. “We’re real friends, whether it’s in front of the camera or behind it,” he explained. “We’re always there for each other and that’s what life is all about.”

But Pietro Lombardi has other famous friends: he let Amira and Oliver Pocher live in his house for a while in 2021. Their home had previously been flooded during the flood disaster in western Germany. One hand washes the other: In March 2022, Oliver Pocher briefly took over the stage for Lombardi at a concert. The singer paused his show for around 20 minutes to help a 12-year-old fan after a breakdown. Meanwhile, Pocher provided an entertaining replacement.

Pietro Lombardi is also friends with Jana Ina and Giovanni Zarrella. “Pietro belongs to the close circle of our family. He is now part of the Zarrellas,” revealed Giovanni Zarrella in April 2021 in an interview with spot on news. A few months later, the 44-year-old went even further into the friendship: In the “difficult time” after separating from Sarah Engels, Zarrella and his family “tried [Pietro] catch a bit because he was alone here in Cologne,” he said spot on news.

With his wife Jana Ina, his siblings and parents, they created “a good environment” for Lombardi. “We gave him a kind of second family next to his own. I think that was important for him. And he shows me this feeling of gratitude every day. We don’t need to tell each other that, I can feel it. We are always there for each other “, continued Giovanni Zarrella.

What’s next for Pietro Lombardi?

Filming is currently underway for Pietro Lombardi’s own show: the singer is looking for a singing talent. The winner receives a recording contract with Lombardi’s newly founded label. When and where the show will be shown is not yet known.

With his show, Lombardi wants to “give something back” to his fans as he announced on Instagram. Recently he also thanked his followers with the new song “I don’t let you go” – without which his great success would hardly be possible.


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