Pierre Niney: Internet users are up in arms after the announcement of his presence in Johnny Depp’s next film

Pierre Niney was strongly criticized on social networks after the announcement of his participation in the next film by Johnny Depp, accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife Amber Heard.

An advertisement that does not pass. While Pierre Niney was announced in the casting of the biopic devoted to the painter Modigliani directed by Johnny Depp, the actor was taken to task on the networks.

The actor, who had taken a stand for the women’s cause by participating in the clip “Balance ton quoi” by Angèle, was strongly criticized by several Internet users, outraged to see him join the team of Johnny Depp, accused by his ex- wife Amber Heard of domestic violence.

“Shame”, “Anti Sexist, but not too much”, reacted several users of the Twitter network, strongly criticizing the choice of the French actor. A decision which also shocked, even though it comes two days after the announcement of Adèle Haenel to leave the world of cinema, which she accuses of complacency in the face of sexual aggressors, notes for her part a surfer.

The actor threatened with boycott

The actor was also caught for his public stance against the slap in the face by Will Smith to Chris Rock, when at the time he had criticized this violent gesture. A position that lacks, according to several Internet users, consistency with his decision to work with Johnny Depp. “Pierre Niney was moved by the slap given by Will Smith, once again the honor of a man is worth more than the safety of women”, can we read in particular on the network at the blue bird.

The actor Caesarized in 2015 for his role of Yves Saint Laurent was also urged to withdraw from the project. “Announce your withdrawal. Don’t make us boycott you,” notes a surfer.

For now, Pierre Niney has not reacted.

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