Pierre Alessandri’s sentence adjustment request will be re-examined

The Court of Cassation on Wednesday annulled a decision of the Paris Court of Appeal having refused a sentence adjustment to Pierre Alessandri, sentenced to life imprisonment in 2003 for the assassination of the prefect Erignac, and ordered that this request be re-examined.

The highest court of the judiciary considered that in its judgment of October 2021 the chamber for the application of sentences of the Paris Court of Appeal had not “justified its decision” to refuse a postponement. freely.

A possible conditional release

“It is a great victory which opens the way to a possible parole for Pierre Alessandri”, greeted in a statement to AFP Me Patrice Spinosi, the lawyer for the Corsican detainee at the Court of Cassation. Incarcerated since 1999, releasable since 2017, Pierre Alessandri has made three requests for sentence adjustment in semi-freedom.

Each time, in October 2019, in July 2021, then in May 2022, the court for the application of anti-terrorism sentences had given the green light to a conditional release with probationary semi-freedom, but the decisions had been reversed by the court of appeal after a suspensive appeal by the national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office (Pnat). Pierre Alessandri had appealed in cassation against the second refusal of justice to grant him this adjustment of sentence.

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