Photovoltaics: What are the benefits of mini solar systems on the balcony? – Your SZ

The photovoltaic pioneers of the 1980s and 1990s had a vision: the democratization of energy supply. They are convinced that citizens should generate their own electricity in order to free themselves from their dependence on energy companies. But it’s not that easy – after all, you need your own roof for it. Therefore, for a long time, solar self-sufficiency was reserved for those who could afford to own their own home. But that has now changed: In recent years, numerous solar systems have come onto the market with which tenants and apartment owners can also generate solar power for their own use. With the recent sharp increase in electricity prices, the demand for these small systems has increased enormously. Although the yields are not high, they are often sufficient to completely cover a household’s electricity requirements, at least during sunny hours. That puts pressure on the electricity bill. This concept is called “balcony solar”, some also speak of “plug solar” or “plug-in PV”. What you should know about it.

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