Phone call from Biden and Putin: threatening gestures and willingness to enter into dialogue

As of: December 31, 2021 1:13 a.m.

US President Biden and Russia’s President Putin spoke on the phone about the conflict in Ukraine. There were allegations and threats from both sides. Nevertheless, both emphasized the will to diplomacy.

US President Joe Biden has warned the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin in a phone call against a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Otherwise, the US and its allies would “respond decisively,” Biden told Putin, according to the White House.

Russia must de-escalate tensions with Ukraine. The tone of the conversation with Putin was serious and substantial, said a US official.

Putin calls sanctions “colossal mistake”

Putin, in turn, warned Biden against imposing severe sanctions on Russia, according to the Kremlin. That would be a “colossal mistake,” said Putin’s foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov after the phone call. The talks planned for January between representatives of the two countries about the security guarantees demanded by Moscow should also come to results, said Ushakov.

Two weeks ago, Russia submitted a draft agreement to NATO. This calls for an end to NATO’s eastward expansion, which Russia sees itself threatened by.

“If the negotiations on security guarantees are successful, it could lead to a certain normalization and perhaps to an improvement in bilateral relations,” said Putin’s advisor Ushakov. However, the far-reaching demands were rejected by several NATO members.

Biden and Putin talked on the phone for about 50 minutes. According to Ushakov, Putin and Biden have now agreed to continue the dialogue.

West fears Russian invasion

The West fears that Russia could attack Ukraine. The government in Moscow denies any plans to attack, rejects criticism of the troop movements and, for its part, accuses Kiev and NATO of provocations.

Biden and Putin met in Geneva in June and last had a video call on December 7th. Representatives of the USA and Russia plan to meet in Geneva on January 10th to discuss the conflict in Ukraine. Talks between Russia and NATO are planned two days later. Consultations between Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are to follow on January 13.

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