Philippe Poutou recruited his companion as a collaborator of his opposition group on the municipal council

“The case” begins to make noise. France 3 New Aquitaine revealed Thursday that Philippe Poutou, ex-presidential candidate under the colors of the NPA (New Anti-capitalist Party), and candidate for mayor of Bordeaux during the last municipal elections, has employed his partner since November 2022 as an employee of his group of municipal opposition, Bordeaux En Luttes. On public funds, therefore.

Questioned by France 3, the former Ford trade unionist, who has made exemplarity in politics his hobbyhorse, assumes, and recalls that there is nothing illegal in this hiring. “We are entitled to two half-time group employees. And for four months, we have renewed one of the two contracts, that of my companion, “he explains, assuring that the operation was done in complete “transparency” and legally, and that it was is a transitory situation. This half-time would be paid around 1,000 euros per month.

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