Philippe Poutou describes Eric Zemmour as “fascist, racist” live on France 2

When you work on the assembly line, you learn to have the most effective gestures possible. Philippe Poutou has learned to have the same efficiency with words when he passes on a television set. The NPA candidate had already set fire to the set of the big debate before the first round in 2017, recalling the legal cases which surrounded François Fillon and Marine Le Pen. An evening worthy of a “rap contender”, which still sticks to the skin of the former Ford worker and counts for a lot in his popularity rating.

But the 2022 presidential campaign, intended to be played without its central character, Emmanuel Macron, deprived the NPA spokesman of his favorite ring. On most TV sets, exit the aligned desks and addresses between candidates, make way for chain interviews between aspiring presidents and journalists on the teeth. France 2’s “Elysée 2022” program on Tuesday evening stuck to this format, preventing invective between adversaries. In theory. Because the sniper Poutou had all the same carefully prepared his ammunition and adjusted the target.

“Are you talking about the fascist, racist, accused of sexual assault? »

From the start of his 10 minutes of speech, the anti-capitalist drew, shooting journalists and Emmanuel Macron, absent at the last minute, faster than his shadow. “Do you have any news from Macron? “, he launches to an embarrassed Léa Salamé, before asking if the head of state is “really a candidate”. But his sharpest line, the “king of the world” had saved it for the end. Knowing who came after him, and while Léa Salamé announces that Eric Zemmour will succeed him on the set, Philippe Poutou takes advantage of his last three seconds of speech to paint in a murderous sentence the portrait of the polemicist: “You speak of the fascist, racist, accused of sexual assault? »

If the remark slaps in the air, the detonation occurs especially on social networks. In less time than it takes to say “punchline”, the sequence is taken up with delight by a “poutousphere” which eagerly awaited the projections of its messiah.

Faced with a rather annoyed Léa Salamé, Philippe Poutou smiles. He knows he’s pulled it off, done his job in the campaign. But as if that were not enough, the NPA candidate did not put away his weapons once he left the set. Social networks have also become his hunting ground, first releasing the extract himself on his personal account. Before answering it, to an Anne Hidalgo explaining on BFM TV that she is “the only [candidate] to come from a working-class background”, a short “Hello, nice to meet you”. Simple, effective.

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