Petra Köpping after torch protest in front of her house: “I will not be intimidated”


Protest with torches in front of Petra Köpping’s house

Saxony’s Minister of Health has been threatened by Corona opponents. When the police arrived, they fled. Köpping reacted indignantly. That is “disgusting”.

30 opponents of the corona policy gathered in front of the home of Saxony’s health minister in Grimma. © Screenshot Twitter / Saskia Esken

5 min. Reading time

Grimma. Opponents of the corona policy protested in front of the home of the Saxon Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) on Friday evening. A police spokeswoman said on Saturday morning. According to her, around 30 people gathered in front of the house in Grimma, shouting with torches and posters. When the police arrived, the people fled in several vehicles. 15 cars were stopped by the police and the identities of 25 people were established.

The police have reported the violation of the Assembly Act and are investigating violations of the Corona Ordinance. Due to the dramatic pandemic situation, according to the Saxon Corona Emergency Ordinance, only gatherings with a maximum of ten people are currently allowed in the state – and only at a fixed location.

Saxony’s Minister of Health Petra Köpping (SPD) sharply condemned the torch demonstration in front of her private house. Objective criticism of the Corona measures was completely legitimate, she told the German Press Agency on Saturday. “I’m always ready to talk. But torch-lit protests in front of my house are disgusting and indecent.” Saxony’s government spokesman Ralph Schreiber said about the torch demonstration: “The state government sees this as a border crossing with the aim of intimidating those responsible. As a consequence, the protective measures for public officials and their families are being increased further.”

Petra Köpping speaks of organized intimidation attempts

Köpping said she knew that these weren’t protests, but organized attempts at intimidation by right-wing extremists and conspiracy believers, which unfortunately happened far too often – in front of doctors’ offices, at vaccination centers and hospitals, against mayors and other committed people. Such attempts at intimidation often ended in violence. That is dangerous for each individual and for cohesion. “I thank you for the many supportive letters and calls and I will not be intimidated by the constant rabble and attacks,” said Köpping. The currently necessary fight against the corona pandemic is about human lives.

“The action of the lateral thinkers on Friday evening in front of Petra Köpping’s private house is unworthy, abhorrent and absolutely intolerable. It is a disgusting attempt at intimidation. The step to violence is only a very small one. That can never be accepted,” says Henning Homann , Co-chairman of the SPD Saxony. “For months the SPD has been calling for stricter controls in the government, for more consistent action against lateral thinkers. For weeks we have been calling for more security for the employees of vaccination centers and Health Minister Petra Köpping. The rule of law has to enforce this,” said Homann.

The SPD Saxony as well as the SPD chairmen Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans condemned the protest in front of Köpping’s house. Esken wrote on Twitter: “Even if the few Hansel try to spread fear and terror: the rational and willing to take responsibility are the great majority, and they are by your side!”

Saxony’s government spokesman Ralph Schreiber announced that the state government saw this as a border crossing with the aim of intimidating those responsible. “As a consequence, the protective measures for public officials and their families will be further increased.”

Walter-Borjans tweeted on Saturday morning: “What happened yesterday in front of Petra @Koepping’s house has nothing to do with worry and the urge for freedom. It is fascistoid in style and appearance.” He went on to write: “Now at the latest, everyone on whose behalf this mob claims to act must clearly demarcate themselves from those who are shaking the very foundations of our democracy. It has long ceased to be the beginnings that we have to fight back.”

Saxony’s Vice Prime Minister Wolfram Günther (Alliance 90 / Greens) reacted indignantly to the protest. “This is another taboo break, also encouraged by the fact that oathers were too often able to roam Saxon cities unhindered.” Corona deniers and the right-wing extremists by their side are getting bolder and more brazen and radicalizing, said Günther in a message on Saturday. I am expecting one here clear and very clear prioritization by the Ministry of the Interior. I expect the protection of people who work hard to overcome the pandemic and the consistent implementation of corona protection measures. “

SPD General Secretary Lars Klingbeil also sharply condemned the torch demonstration. The limits of freedom of expression have been exceeded here, he said on Saturday at a party conference in Berlin. It could not be that politicians were threatened and “right-wing conspirators and oathers” gathered with torches in front of the house of a minister. “That needs an answer with the full rigor of the rule of law, it needs a contradiction of the decent in this country,” emphasized Klingbeil. He assured Köpping: “We are all by your side.”

The Jusos Sachsen also showed solidarity with Petra Köpping. Tony Marggraf, vice-chairman of the Jusos Sachsen said: “Again the danger from the lateral thinkers shows up! Discussing corona measures is one thing. However, threatening democratically elected people who try to get us all out of the Corona crisis with their decisions is disgusting. “This action shows the true face of the lateral thinking movement.” At its core, it is thoroughly anti-democratic and right-wing radical. ”

Further articles

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What are the police doing against the prohibited demos?

Corona opponents had already gathered in front of the house of Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU). His second home hit the headlines on January 10, 2021, when critics of the corona measures visited the MP’s half-timbered house. (dpa)

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