Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben: They say goodbye to “RTL Aktuell”

Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben
You say goodbye to “RTL Aktuell”

Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben have presented “RTL Aktuell” together over 4,500 times.

© RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Goodbye news world: Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben will say goodbye to the news program “RTL Aktuell”.

Peter Kloeppel (65) and colleague Ulrike von der Groeben (66) are facing a big farewell. After more than 30 years and over 4,500 broadcasts together, the two presenters will be quitting their jobs at the news program “RTL aktuell”. How “” and “” report, Kloeppel reveals this in a farewell interview in the magazine “stern”.

Peter Kloeppel: “Now it’s even nicer”

His last “RTL aktuell” broadcast is planned for the end of August, says Kloeppel. But TV viewers apparently don’t have to say goodbye to the veteran presenter completely: “From time to time I’ll be happy to do projects like ‘Transilluminated’, but no longer have a daily moderation role in the news,” he announces. The moderator will be 66 years old in October and things will be “good” then.

The moderator said in the interview that he had reduced his assignments in recent years and “spent more time with my wife and our daughter in the USA.” “That was nice. Now it’s going to be even nicer.” In the USA, where he mostly wants to live in the future, “they only know me as Peter from Germany – not as a TV person.”

An era comes to an end

The end of “RTL Aktuell” is also imminent for colleague and sports presenter Ulrike von der Groeben, as Kloeppel confirmed in the interview. The two will host RTL together for the last time in August. He will miss his colleague, explains the moderator. She is much louder, funnier and more impulsive than he is. “She always has a saying ready, knows a lot about sports. She has everything I can’t do so well. I’m always happy to see her. That “It was like that for more than 30 years. Now an era is coming to an end. For both of us.”

Kloeppel has been the chief presenter of “RTL Aktuell” since April 1992. His career at the station began in 1985 as an editor at RTL plus. From 1990 to 1992 he worked as an RTL correspondent in the USA. After her traineeship at RTL radio in Luxembourg, Ulrike von der Groeben worked as an editor and sports presenter at the RTLplus morning magazine “Guten Morgen Deutschland” from 1987 to 1989. In January 1989 she became a sports presenter on the RTL main news.


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