Personality test: where is the horse going? Forward or backward?

See in the video: In which direction is the horse running? Optical illusion reveals which hemisphere of your brain dominates.

Forward or backward – which way is this horse running?

Opinions are currently divided on this question on Twitter.

The clip is supposed to be a personality test.

Anyone seeing a horse running forward is said to have a dominant left hemisphere.

People with a dominant left hemisphere are considered fact-oriented and logical.

If the animal moves backwards, the right hemisphere should dominate.

These people are considered creative and free thinking.

A different specialization of the two cerebral hemispheres was demonstrated in the 1960s by Roger W. Sperry.

For this, the neurobiologist received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1981.

It is questionable, however, that the short online test gives users in-depth insights into their own personality.

But it becomes clear that people can perceive the same image very differently.

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