Perrine Laffont will take “a break of a few months” to better prepare for the Games

The five-time French world champion in mogul skiing Perrine Laffont announced this Wednesday that she was going to “take a break from competition for a few months” to best prepare for the 2025 World Championships and the 2026 Olympic Games. freshness, desire and working to continue to surprise and get ahead of your opponents are (m)es objectives,” said the skier in a press release, adding that she wanted to “refine her preparation by putting in significant work fundamental athletic and mental” after “a very big 2022-2023 season”.

The Pyrenean skier, who has just turned 25 and has an Olympic title in 2018 on moguls (single), had, for the first time in her career, seen double last February during the World Championships in Bakuriani, Georgia , winning gold on the moguls in singles then in parallel. With five world titles to her name, she then became the most successful mogul skier in history ahead of Canadian Jennifer Heil and Norwegian Kari Traa, both gold medalists four times.

This success was all the more meritorious as it came a year after her disappointing fourth place at the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing, after several months of doubt during which her Chinese failure could have pushed her to end her career. After these victories, Perrine Laffont said she was proud to have “managed to come back after very hard times last season, to raise her head, to start again, to question herself”.

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