People: Philipp Lahm: “Sitting is the new smoking”

Philipp Lahm: “Sitting is the new smoking”

Philipp Lahm does not like radical cures, but wants to change everyday routine. Photo: Matthias Balk/dpa

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When Oliver Kahn ended his active sports career, he gained ten kilos and then advertised a weight loss program. Philipp Lahm kept his weight. How, he writes in his new book.

When Philipp Lahm was still a top athlete and trained every day, four meals a day were no problem – including cake in the afternoon.

Today, five years after the end of his active football career, it’s different: “I eat a lot less,” says the 38-year-old ex-captain of the national football team in an interview with the German Press Agency and laughs. “I have to see how many meals I’m actually eating and what are the portions like? And I often get along quite well with two meals a day.”

cycling or walking

Health and healthy nutrition are important to Lahm – so important that he has now written a book about it: “Everyone can be healthy” is the name of the guide he presented in Munich’s Olympic Park. Where he often played football as a child.

It is about “being developed with experts
holistic health concept”, as the publisher calls it. The 38-year-old shows exercises, gives tips for more mobility and shares recipe ideas. “Sitting is the new smoking,” says the book, for example, because many people have been moving less than before since the corona pandemic. Lahm’s tip: When making calls in the home office, put headphones in your ears and walk around the house. “I also do a lot of things on foot or by bike,” he says.

And so he was spared the fate of former colleagues who only realized after the end of their careers that they could no longer eat everything – when the scales told them so clearly. The ex-national goalkeeper and current FC Bayern boss Oliver Kahn says he gained ten kilos and then advertised a weight loss program a few years ago. In the case of lameness, the weight should not increase in the first place. “I really just want to keep it because I actually feel quite fit.”

Lahm leads a completely normal life

For those who feel differently, he has some tips in the book. You shouldn’t set your goals too high, he warns: “I can’t set myself the goal of losing 20 kilos.” It’s about everyday routines. “You can’t do anything without having fun,” says Lahm. “I’ve never run a marathon either.”

The former captain of the national soccer team has already published two books dealing with his sporting career. Last year he published “The Game – The World of Football” and in 2011 the book “The Fine Difference – How to Become a Top Footballer Today”.

In his current book, he not only gives health and fitness tips, but also insights into his life after his active football career. “Today I lead a life like many others,” he writes. “I have a normal job, I have to take care of paperwork and appointments, make sure our children get their breakfast or help with their homework, or I do the family shopping or cook.”

He only follows the turbulence at his old club from afar, he says in the dpa interview, even if he is still in contact with one or the other teammates. And when it comes to Robert Lewandowski, whose departure for Barcelona he would regret, what comes to mind is that he doesn’t want to follow his example of eating dessert first. “I always like a dessert that comes afterwards,” says Lahm and laughs. “We value tradition.”


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