people mysteriously bitten in discotheque in Grenoble

Is it a network or a person acting alone for still obscure reasons? Six people, four women and two men aged 17 to 22, filed a complaint in Grenoble after being victims of stings in the evening, we learned from the city prosecutor’s office which opened an investigation for “administration of harmful substances” .

The facts occurred on April 15 and 17 in three different places: two nightclubs and the Grenoble sports hall where a concert was organized. Each time, the victims felt something sting them and then became unwell in the process.

All went to the hospital to undergo examinations. Difficult at this stage to know the motivations of their attacker(s) because “none” of the people drugged without their knowledge, “was the victim of theft or sexual assault”, reveals Eric Vaillant, prosecutor of the Republic of Grenoble.

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