Pennsylvania: Hoodie winner – Democrat wins Senate seat

Hoodie winner – Democrat wins Senate seat

Democrat John Fetterman at a campaign party in Pittsburgh. photo

© Gene J. Puskar/AP/dpa

A few months ago, Democrat John Fetterman suffered a stroke – now the 53-year-old has prevailed in one of the most exciting races of the US midterm elections, despite Republican attacks in the key state of Pennsylvania.

In the embattled state of Pennsylvania, Democrat John Fetterman won the election for the US Senate – and thus gained a seat in the House of Representatives in Washington for his party. This was reported by the US broadcaster NBC and Fox News early Wednesday morning (local time) based on voter surveys and the first vote counts. The Democrats will take one of the 100 seats from the Republicans. The Democrats have to defend the seats up for election there or win seats from the Republicans in order not to lose their wafer-thin majority.

Fetterman won against TV doctor Mehmet Oz – also known as Dr. known to Oz. In polls, the two candidates were close to each other – the race in the state in the north-east was therefore considered one of the most exciting. Fetterman, 53, was considered a special candidate by the Democrats with his tattoos and typical hoodie. The rather left-wing local politician suffered a stroke a few months ago. The fact that he has not yet fully recovered from this was recently made clear in a TV duel with his competitor.

Republicans repeatedly attacked Fetterman because of his health and denied him his suitability for office. The 62-year-old candidate Oz was considered a dazzling TV doctor in the United States for years. During the corona pandemic, he attracted the attention of then-President Donald Trump, who eventually supported him in the Senate race.


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