Pedicure for the summer: This is how the gadget helps with foot care

Cracked heels
Why a pedicure means more than well-groomed feet

A pedicure set ensures well-groomed feet — and healthy ones

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The term pedicure is often associated with a visit to the beauty salon. However, regular foot care is more than wellness. Why a care routine is just as important for your feet as it is for the rest of your body.

Our feet carry us from one place to another every day. Although they appear small compared to the rest of the body, they support the full load of our body weight. That’s impressive, and feet deserve the care and recognition they actually need but rarely get. Read here how to keep your feet healthy and how a pedicure set can help.

Foot care is important for healthy feet

The feet only feature few sebaceous glands, so the skin is often dry. In order to avoid drying out of the skin and feelings of tightness, the feet should be treated regularly with rich creams. This not only means supple skin, but also helps prevent calluses. Although this is completely normal and helpful on the feet because it protects the feet, it should not be too much.

especially the formation of corns, which can be caused by friction and tight shoes, should be avoided. The unpleasant calluses form mainly on the toes and under the soles of the feet. A corn often causes pain if left untreated. In the early stages, you can rub them off with a pumice stone after a foot bath. If they are advanced, you need to seek professional help. Apart from the formation of painful corns, hardened areas on the feet can tear more quickly and offer bacteria an easy entry point. The result is inflammation. It is all the more important to regularly care for calluses, calluses and cracked heels so that your feet stay healthy.

Pedicure set: This belongs in

A pedicure set includes various gadgets for manicure and pedicure. It is therefore often called a manicure and pedicure set because the tool it contains is suitable for both hands and feet. You can also choose between an electric pedicure set and one without electrics.

Electric pedicure set

advantage of one electric pedicure sets is that you have to do little and hardly use any strength. As a rule, such a set consists of different attachments made of sapphire and felt as well as sandpaper attachments to work on nails and skin. In this way you can specifically remove rough spots, calluses or corns from your hands and feet.

pedicure set

Of course, you can also care for your hands and feet with a set that does not have electricity. in one pedicure set should then contain a nail file, nail clippers, nail scissors, nail clippers and a cuticle remover. Another sensible purchase would be a callus file or a pumice stone to remove calluses in a targeted manner.

Foot care: how it works

About every four weeks you should treat your feet to a comprehensive care unit and take care of the nails and calluses being removed. Start with a soothing foot bath. Why is this useful? The nails become soft and can be trimmed more comfortably. A warm bath also promotes blood circulation and can ensure well-being on cold winter days. Use a bowl of water and add nourishing oil if necessary (for example almond oil).

Tip: There are foot baths, which function like a small whirlpool. With a built-in bubble function and foot reflex zone massage, this can provide additional relaxation.

After the foot bath, the calluses are removed. A classic for this is the pumice, because the coarse-pored volcanic rock only removes the upper layer of skin, so there is no risk of removing too much callus. One callus file is also suitable for this procedure.

Trim your nails with your tool of choice, either nail clippers or scissors. You can then smooth the nails at the cutting points with a file. You can also carefully push back the cuticles. If you like applying nail polish, you need clean toenails and can smooth the nails with a polishing file. The paint can then be applied easily. For best results, apply a base coat first, then the actual nail polish, and finally a top coat for a nice shine.

Finally, there is sufficient moisturizing care. Use one for this rich foot cream. Alternatively, there are so-called foot maskswhich you can wear comfortably like a normal sock and which is provided with nourishing ingredients.

Source: pharmacy magazine

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