Pediatric emergencies disrupted due to a wave of sick leaves

Be careful if you plan to go to the emergency room with your children. Since Monday and “for a few days”, access to the pediatric emergencies of the Nantes University Hospital is only possible on “prior regulation of the SAMU – Center 15”, according to a press release from the hospital.

Consequence of a regulatory measure to compensate for a lack of “nursing staff and childcare assistants”, and still continue to provide care for children. In question, a wave of sick leaves within the nursing staff of the pediatric service: Tuesday, there were fourteen “short-term sick leaves” in this service.

Alternatives to the emergency room if the child does not have serious symptoms

In response, the CGT union of the CHU de Nantes, in an open letter to the general manager of the hospital, denounces a growing number of “professional burnouts” and “deleterious and inhuman” working conditions. Directly linking the sick leave of pediatric emergency personnel to the “mistreatment” of which they would be victims, the CGT denounces a “non-existent social dialogue”. The union is demanding the creation of new positions, which it considers “essential to preserve the physical and psychological health of professionals”.

If the Nantes University Hospital has not communicated on the reasons for the numerous sick leaves, it recalls that alternative solutions to pediatric emergencies are to be preferred if the child does not present serious symptoms. General practitioner, private pediatrician or SOS Médecins should be contacted first before turning to the emergency room.

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