Paul McCartney: His BBC interview is already making waves

Why Paul McCartney after 51 years with the legend of the end of the Beatles: clears up

Paul McCartney announced the end of the Beatles on April 10, 1970.

© Facundo Arrizabalaga / DPA

After more than half a century, Paul McCartney has now given his perspective on the end of the Beatles. Why was he silent for so long – and why is it now around the corner?

The conversation has already been recorded. There are still eleven days until the broadcast on October 23. Nevertheless, the interview that Paul McCartney gave the British broadcaster BBC Radio 4 is already making waves. Because in it he talks about nothing less than the end of the Beatles. The biggest band of all time, not only in the opinion of hardcore fans.

So far it has been agreed that McCartney himself was the one who gave the Fab Four the fatal blow by disseminating an interview on April 10, 1970 in which he announced the breakup of the Beatles. This clearly clarified the question of guilt for five decades: There may have been various reasons for the four Liverpool musicians to become estranged from one another – but Paul hit the nail on the coffin.

But now the 79-year-old is spreading a completely different view of the events in the spring of 1970: “I did not initiate the break,” the ex-Beatle is quoted in advance from the BBC interview. “That was our Johnny.” This is John Lennon, who, according to McCartney, said one day that he was leaving the group.

Paul McCartney regrets the breakup

A decision that Paul McCartney did not make himself: “It was my band, my job, my life, I wanted it to continue”, the group’s bassist is said to have told the BBC. Without Lennon’s decision, the group would have been longer the songwriter believes today.

But why he then gave the impression of all things that it was he who gave up the group – the musician has a plausible explanation for this: He was fed up with the game of hide and seek. For a few months you had to pretend the group was still intact. “That was weird because we all knew it was the end of the Beatles, but we couldn’t leave that easy.” McCartney is quoted as saying that he finally let the “cat out of the bag”.

The only question that arises is why the successful artist is only now, after more than half a century, coming out with his view of events. It is quite possible that the artist realized that in the past five decades he never again reached the class of Beatles works such as “Revolver”, “Sgt. Pepper” or “Abbey Road”.

“Get Back” tells about the end of the Beatles

McCartney has no reason to regret, however: since 1970 he has sold well over 100 million records, making him one of the most commercially successful musicians of all. However, in the opinion of most critics, he has never again created such artistic masterpieces as with the Fab Four.

And so it should not be a coincidence that the statements are directly related to the upcoming release of Peter Jackson’s TV series “Get Back”. In it, the famous director (“Lord of the Rings”) tells of the Beatles’ last months. The preoccupation with the glorious band is likely to have awakened McCartney’s awareness of what the world – and him personally – was losing at the time.

Source used: “The Guardian”


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