Pascal Praud, Odile Vuillemin, “Le Meilleur Pâtissier”… A glance at the retro TV of the week

Beware of spoilers… We’re talking about television here. From reality TV to the news 13 hours via the regional thrillers of France 3, 20 minutes – and, above all, the incredible editorial team of the “Retro TV” column (made up of one person) – scrutinizes everything that happens on the small screen. But if, you know, this box that comes alive and that young people use to watch YouTube! Every Saturday, this is where you will find our favorites (or not), all the crisp news and indiscretions of the week. Come on, do we take a look at the TV news?

The number of the week

The days go by and gradually begin to look the same for CNews. Thursday, channel 16 ranked first among news channels in France, ahead of BFMTV, with 3% audience share for the day. A big score in particular due to Time for the pros who received Eric Zemmour for an hour of interview. This part of Pascal Praud’s show was watched by 584,000 people, or 20.3% of the public. Figures that allow it to be the first national channel from 9 am to 10 am. Concretely, this means that at that time, no other program was watched more than this interview on the other TV channels.

Flash info

A large television set, four red armchairs, buzzers… and the face of Nolwenn Leroy? This Saturday, the second winner of the star Academy told
at RTL’s microphone that she could agree to become one of the coaches of The Voice if we made the offer to him. A statement that is surprising since the singer had confided, in 2013, to have refused to participate. “I feel more solid on the course than mine. When it was offered to me, it was a long time ago, it was at the very beginning. Today, it might be different, ”said Nolwenn Leroy.

The instant zapping

This is what is called not being on your plate. On Thursday, a historic event occurred in The best pastry chef. No, Mercotte did not dance on the last TikTok challenge. No, Cyril Lignac did not forget to say the word “greedy”. On the other hand, for the first time, a candidate threw her cake in the trash. When unmolding her dessert, Margaux could only face the facts when she saw it sag. Trying to make up for the damage, the young woman ended up giving up.

Since this is a competition, Margaux ended up presenting her work to the judges at the end of the day. For that, she therefore… opened the lid of the trash that was standing next to her. “I’ve been doing ten years The best pastry chef and I’ve never seen that, ”commented Cyril Lignac. Neither do we, Chief. And since you can’t want the butter, the money from the butter and a thumbs up from the dairy, you can imagine that Margaux was eliminated at the end of the episode.

The “popcorn” info

Odile Vuillemin, star of the small screen and cause of dispute between the television channels. Monday, November 1, TF1 will offer He is she, a fiction devoted to transidentity in which Odile Vuillemin plays. Joy of chance, France 2 has decided to broadcast, for its part, Two women, a TV movie on the status of women from the 1960s in which Odile Vuillemin also appears. Faced with this strange situation, the public service was forced to backtrack by deprogramming its unit. It will be replaced by Like a thunderclap, a film with Grégory Montel and Patrick Chesnais.

Conversations around the coffee machine are going to be going well again. Guest of Media Culture on Europe 1 on Friday, Bruno Solo spoke of the project to give a second life to Cafe Camera on M6. The actor and director is working on a 90-minute TV movie which should be broadcast in 2022. “We tell how Jean-Claude and Hervé went through social networks, the attacks, #MeToo. All the necessary and sometimes dramatic upheavals in this society seen by Jean-Claude and Hervé and their colleagues. It will be awful, dirty and nasty, ”the actor promised.

A happy ending for Alice Nevers ? The team of the TF1 series is currently in Normandy and the Paris region for the filming of its final in the form of a farewell film. “Between friction with the new team and Marquand forced to infiltrate a stable of racehorses, nothing is going as planned for our proc and his police commander,” warns the channel in a statement.

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