Party: NRW-SPD clears the way for its first dual leadership

Political party
NRW-SPD clears the way for its first dual leadership

At its state party conference in Münster, the North Rhine-Westphalian SPD elects a new state executive. photo

© David Young/dpa

The amendment to the articles of association has been approved. The question of who will be elected to the dual leadership is still open. But there is not much choice.

The North Rhine-Westphalian SPD has the way for a Dual leadership vacated. At a state party conference in Münster, the large majority of the 453 delegates present voted for a corresponding change in the statutes. At noon, for the first time in the history of the state party, a dual leadership will be elected.

The only applicants are the chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia state group in the Bundestag, Achim Post (64), and the Duisburg state parliamentarian, Sarah Philipp (40). The new election became necessary after Thomas Kutschaty’s resignation last March as a result of internal party quarrels.

In a welcoming address, SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich named the commitment to social rights and good jobs as well as the fight against right-wing populists as a central task for social democrats.


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