Parties: Voßkuhle: “AfD aims for fundamental system change”

Voßkuhle: “AfD aims for fundamental system change”

Andreas Voßkuhle believes that the continued existence of democracy in Germany is not guaranteed. photo

© Martin Schutt/dpa

The state parliaments in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg will be re-elected in September. The AfD has recently been ahead in surveys in all three countries. Former Constitutional Court President Voßkuhle warns.

The former President of the Constitutional Court Andreas Voßkuhle warns of an erosion of democracy and the rule of law as a result of the AfD’s breakthrough in the state elections in the east next year. “The AfD, as the strongest faction in one or more state parliaments, would turn Germany’s political landscape inside out. The political heads of this party are aiming for a fundamental change in the system,” he told the “Tagesspiegel” (Thursday). “It will not be easy to prevent the AfD from becoming the strongest force,” he said. The state parliaments in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg will be re-elected in September 2024.

Voßkuhle believes that the continued existence of democracy in Germany is not guaranteed. “It may well be that our Western democracy will prove to be only a short phase in the history of humanity, similar to Athenian democracy, and after that the dark age of totalitarianism will return again,” he said. “If you don’t want that, you should get involved in our democracy. Life in a democracy was never a paradise. But life in totalitarian regimes was and is significantly worse in many ways.”


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