Parties: Merz sees CDU in a difficult position

Merz sees the CDU in a difficult position

Friedrich Merz, applicant for the CDU chairmanship, sees his party in a difficult position. Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

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Friedrich Merz sees his party’s influence in Germany waning. The CDU no longer has opinion leadership on any topic.

The applicant for the CDU chairmanship, Friedrich Merz, sees his party in a difficult position.

Merz told the “Bild am Sonntag” that her character as a people’s party was at risk. “We no longer have the opinion leadership on any topic, not even in economic policy. We no longer have the highest percentage of voters in any age group, not even among those over 60. “

In addition to Merz, the executive head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun, and foreign policy specialist Norbert Röttgen also want to succeed Armin Laschet. The trio is due to present itself to party members next week in a format broadcast live on the Internet. The preliminary questioning of around 400,000 CDU members begins on December 4th. The final decision on the successor to the CDU chairman Laschet, who has only been in office since January, is to be made by the 1001 delegates at a party congress on January 21 in Hanover.

Merz announced in “Bild am Sonntag”: “First of all, the CDU will become a very family-friendly employer with me as chairman. We lead by example. Time off that young mothers and fathers take for their children should no longer be seen as a career break in the résumé. ” They would have to be recognized like the job. You also need proper childcare everywhere in the professional environment, including in our party headquarters. “


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