Parties: CDU leader Merz wants to intensify the dispute with the Greens

CDU leader Merz wants to intensify the dispute with the Greens

Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther (l) and CDU leader Friedrich Merz. photo

© Georg Wendt/dpa

The CDU leader is still looking for an argument with the Greens. He is now getting the support of his party colleagues for this.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz has obtained the backing of the Christian Democrats, who rule with the Greens in Schleswig-Holstein, for tougher action against the Greens in the federal government. “I am grateful that I have found great understanding that we must intensify the dispute in Berlin, especially now against the Greens,” said Merz in Kiel in the evening after a meeting with the state executive of the North CDU. The Greens in the federal government would bring large parts of the population against themselves.

“I know that Daniel Günther governs very successfully with the Greens in Schleswig-Holstein,” said Merz. But state politics have other issues. In this respect he is grateful to be able to carry out a division of labor here. “In the coming weeks and months, we will intensify our arguments with the Greens in particular and, above all, we will also contradict the impression that we are always looking to the left and saying that we absolutely have to join them at some point Coalition.”

The foreign policy of the Greens is also instructive and moralizing abroad, said Merz. “Not even foreign hosts can offer that.” Merz congratulated Schleswig-Holstein for not having the AfD in the state parliament. In the north, the polarization does not take place like that. “People can be reached for clever and prudent politics,” said Merz. He is very worried about the East and will do even more to help him.


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