Parties: Barley: Often no longer a conservative firewall against the right

Barley: Often there is no longer a conservative firewall against the right

“Especially in Germany, we are experiencing a tight legal course in the CDU and CSU,” says EU Parliament Vice President Katarina Barley (SPD). photo

© Philipp Ditfurth/dpa

European Parliament Vice President Barley sees the strengthening of right-wing parties as “the biggest problem in Europe”. EPP boss Weber also “deliberately opened the flank to the right”. This reacts.

EU Parliament Vice President Katarina Barley has criticized the lack of clear distance between the conservatives in Europe and the right. “In general, it is now often the case that the conservatives’ firewall against the right-wing populists and the fascists no longer exists,” Barley told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. It is not only full of holes, but torn – in Sweden, Finland and Italy. “This is conjuring up the shift to the right itself. That’s our biggest problem in Europe right now.”

With a view to the conservative EPP boss Manfred Weber, Barley said: “Especially in Germany we are experiencing a tight legal course in the CDU and CSU.” Weber “deliberately opened the flank to the right and makes no secret of it”. After the 2024 European elections, he wants to work with right-wing populists and those further to the right.

The longtime President of the EU Parliament Martin Schulz also criticized Weber. Years ago, there was still agreement on the demarcation of politicians like Silvio Berlusconi, he told the digital media company Table Media. “Today Manfred Weber is traveling through Europe as head of the EPP and says, be happy that Forza Italia is part of the government in Rome.” According to the motto: It could be even worse.

Weber emphasized on Sunday evening in the ZDF “Heute Journal” that his party adheres to firm principles in dealing with other forces. Only those who stand by Ukraine, who want to help shape Europe in a positive way and do not want to abolish it and who defend the rule of law can be a democratic partner of their party. “There is no wobbling in these three principles for us. Anyone who accepts that can be a political partner,” he said. All the others who don’t stick to the principles, like the AfD, are opponents “and we’re fighting them.”


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