“Part of the police is crushed, the other self-censors”… Agnès Naudin denounces “omerta” in the police

It is a dying “police system” described by Agnès Naudin in the book Police, the law of omerta *, co-written with Fabien Bilheran, a former peacekeeper. With him, this police captain, spokesperson for the FSU Interior and author of several books, collected the testimonies of other police officers who, openly, denounce the dysfunctions of their institution. “Police violence, ordinary sexism and racism, concealment of crimes, abundance of forgery in public writing, corruption, hierarchical tyranny, mediatized radicalization of unions or even politics of numbers…”, list the two authors.

Too often, they add, “civil servants, if they speak out, fear for the vast majority the consequences on their professional and personal situation”. “Writing a book was an opportunity for us to bring to the attention of the public and the media what we had to say. No one will be able to say they didn’t know any more,” explains Agnès Naudin in an interview with 20 minutes.

In the book, there is a lot of talk about police malaise. What do you think is the cause?

It is plural. There are these judicial and administrative maneuvers to remove those who open it, denounce criminal and tortious facts of which they are witnesses. There is the lack of independence of the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police) which poses a problem for the investigations it is supposed to carry out. There is also a concern with preventive and statutory medicine. Today, it is used to evict agents who cannot be sanctioned or who disturb.

Those who do not open it are bound by the unions, by the rating and transfer system. In summary, there is a part of the police who are crushed, the other who self-censor.

The suicide rate remains high in the police. In your opinion, the administration has not taken the measure of the problem?

There are many associations being created, such as Pep’s, which deal with suicide prevention. The reason is that the internal administration is not able to put effective tools in place. We would have everything to gain if the police knew that they had a way out and a real service to turn to. There is one, but its role is to ensure that no one leaves, that everyone stays. The administration is not able to accompany, support civil servants who would like to leave the ranks and retrain. On the contrary, it crushes them.

Your co-author talks about his time with the narcotics brigade of the Parisian PJ, experienced as a disillusionment…

It explains what is already known to the general public, namely that offenses, crimes, are committed. For example, keeping narcotics that needed to be destroyed in order to pass them on to informants. What we denounce is that from the moment a police officer leaves the margins, we will try to crush him and we will mount legal proceedings against him. All the officials of the group will follow and make forgery in writing because they have no choice but to put themselves in danger. To succeed, you have to keep your mouth shut, and of course you do.

You also point to the famous policy of figures, which the former Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls, said he had abandoned…

Not only has it not been abolished, but it has been made more efficient by creating a statistics unit within the Ministry of the Interior. In the book, Stéphane Lemercier talks very well about what it generates on the ground. For public servants, it is necessary to achieve the objectives set by the commissioners. For example, if we dismantled a deal point last year, we will have to find three this year, even if they don’t exist. It will therefore be necessary to manage, to create some. We can just stop a seller on the beach in the summer for that. This is called the police narrative.

It answers these questions: What story do we want to tell? And how are we going to create statistics to enhance this story? But all that is just a story, not reality. Or else a reality that we end up bringing out.

What do you think should be done?

The first thing to do is to give the IGPN its independence. We could at least think about an independent inspection of the forces of order, made up of police and gendarmes who would investigate each other’s affairs. There are tracks to dig in this direction.

Medicine should also be made more independent. Indeed, the doctors who are responsible for evaluating civil servants, whether they are injured or in depression, are paid by the Ministry of the Interior. The contracts of the few doctors who recognize abuse and harassment are generally not renewed. The civil servant must therefore be allowed to choose his doctor. He could be on a list produced by the ministry, like experts in the courts. It is also necessary to better support the officers and the commissioners who do management with more adapted training, and to stop doing co-management with the unions.

*Police, the law of omerta »Le Cherche Midi editions, published on December 2, 2022, 288 pages, 19.50 euros

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