Parliamentary elections in Slovenia: According to the forecast, the liberal opposition is clearly ahead

Status: 24.04.2022 21:04

The outcome of the elections in Slovenia was also watched with excitement, especially from the EU perspective. According to forecasts, the oppositionist Golob clearly prevailed there. Incumbent Jansa had pursued a course critical of the EU.

In the parliamentary elections in Slovenia, the opposition Freedom Movement (GS) led by the liberal-leaning political newcomer Robert Golob is clearly ahead, according to a forecast. In the forecast by the opinion research institute Mediana, which is based on surveys of voters leaving the polling stations, the GS comes to 35.8 percent. The SDS party of right-wing populist Prime Minister Janez Jansa only has 22.5 percent.

During the election campaign, Jansa had promised stability and created a mood with slogans like “No experiments”. But the head of government is controversial both domestically and in the EU. The opposition accuses Jansa of undermining democratic institutions and restricting press freedom since he took office two years ago.

Since Jansa took office, there have been repeated large demonstrations directed against authoritarian tendencies in Slovenia. In the EU, among other things, his close relationship with Hungary’s right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban is viewed extremely critically.

Coalition partner now decisive

Slovenia’s opposition leader Golob had previously described the election as a “referendum on democracy in Slovenia”. During the election campaign, the freedom movement under Golob campaigned for a green energy transition and sustainable development.

The decisive factor now is which coalition can form a majority in parliament. The liberty movement, together with the centre-left parties that managed to enter parliament, could achieve such a majority. According to the survey, Jansas SDS would only have the conservative party NSi as a potential partner. In Slovenia, there is a four percent hurdle for entry into parliament.

The election in Slovenia took place at the same time as the run-off election for the presidency in France – both elections are also considered very important for the future of the EU. In France, according to projections, the liberal incumbent Emmanuel Macron prevailed against the EU-skeptical right-wing populist Marine Le Pen.

Parliamentary elections in Slovenia: landslide victory for freedom movement

Florian Haas, BR, 4/24/2022 9:29 p.m

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