Paris-Roubaix 2022 postponed by one week in April due to presidential election

Decidedly, the calendar is angry with Paris-Roubaix lately. While the 2020 edition has been canceled, the 2021 vintage has been postponed to this Sunday, October 3, the 2022 race has also just changed dates. But this time, it is not for health reasons.

Initially scheduled for Sunday April 10, 2022, Paris-Roubaix was finally postponed by one week because of… the electoral calendar. Indeed, the first round of the 2022 presidential election has also been set for Sunday, April 10.

A one week postponement

For both security reasons but also to avoid losing a few voters scattered on the cobblestones of the North, the event will finally take place a week later to be held on Sunday April 17.

A shift which is not without consequences on the cycling calendar. Traditionally, the queen of classics is always run a week after the Tour of Flanders. This will not be the case in 2022 when Paris-Roubaix has exchanged dates with the Amstel Gold Race, a race organized in the Netherlands and where no election is scheduled for that day …

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