Paris, Lyon, Nice… Which are the cities where student life is the most expensive?

Unsurprisingly, Paris remains the most expensive city to stay in when you’re a student. According to a study carried out by the National Union of Students of France (UNEF) published on Monday, “rent represents the first item of expenditure for a student. Transport is also a large part of their expenses. Thanks to several criteria related to the cost of living, the Unef was able to establish a ranking of French cities more or less expensive for the budget of young people in university and school. And the situation is worse than before because of inflation.

Knowing that “68.7% of students no longer live with their parents”, “the inequalities between cities are widening and prices are on the rise”, notes the student union. Thus, “in the big cities, prices increase by 2.08% and, overall, the increase represents 1.37%. Inflation on rents represents 3.6% and the impact on students is very strong. The share of the budget in transport is also significant and despite stagnation, there are still strong local disparities.

Paris and Ile-de-France in the lead

Overall, it is therefore Paris which largely dominates the ranking with an average budget of 1,332.52 euros per student, including transport and rent in particular. More precisely, it takes about 862 euros of monthly rent and 350 euros of transport. At Le Mans, the budget is greatly reduced to reach 850.44 euros per month. However, it is the city of Brest which has seen the highest increase in rental prices (+13.78%) and that of Limoges for transport (11.11%).

Behind Paris, we find in the first ten most expensive cities when you are a student: Nanterre, Saint-Denis, Créteil, Orsay, Guyancourt, Nice, Cergy, Lyon and Champ sur Marne. Ile-de-France is therefore well represented at the top of the ranking.

Even if the Unef notes an “effectiveness” of rent control, particularly in Paris “where the cost of housing has fallen in recent years”, the union is campaigning for it to be “generalized in all university towns » as well as « in the whole of the private park ». The Unef is also calling for a 20% increase in APL or a massive construction plan for student housing. The government announced to him the revaluation to 3.5% of housing aid.

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