“Paris is not France”, the LR mayor of Toulouse supports his “friend” Renaud Muselier after his agreement with LREM

Jean-Luc Moudenc, LR mayor of Toulouse. – J.-M. Haedrich -Sipa

Since the formalization of an alliance with the Macronists for the June election, Renaud Muselier, the outgoing LR president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Paca) region, is the target of heavy fire fired from his own camp. LR president Christian Jacob withdrew the party’s nomination from him, Xavier Bertrand castigates an “irresponsible” agreement, his neighbor from the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti now considers him “the head of the list of La République en Marche”.

But in this storm, Renaud Muselier can still count on the support of his “friend” Jean-Luc Moudenc, LR mayor of Toulouse.

LR “An Error in Judgment”

In a post posted this Sunday on Facebook and entitled “Paris is not France”, the city councilor of the Pink City believes that the withdrawal of the nomination is “an error of judgment”, “a major strategic error” even . “The presidential strategies of the national political apparatuses, decided in Paris, must not interfere with our work of local elected representatives, writes Jean-Luc Moudenc. It is our role to bring together widely. And that does not mean that we renounce the values ​​of the family of thought to which we belong ”.

The Toulouse elected representative considers that the signal sent by LR by suggesting that “Renaud would no longer be right-wing or center-right” has enough to “throw a good number of LR sympathizers of Paca into the arms of the National Rally”.

Jean-Luc Moudenc was re-elected mayor in June 2020 with the support of LREM without his party finding fault. But for the regional ones in Occitania, he chose to support Aurélien Pradié, the secretary general of LR. The latter excludes any alliance with the Macronists.

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