Paris is an increasingly safe city, according to figures from the police headquarters

The savagery of society dear to Gérald Darmanin, if it exists, does not concern the capital. Most crime indicators are down overall, according to figures released on Monday by the Paris police headquarters (PP). Obviously, these data emanating from an entity whose mission is precisely to fight against delinquency are to be taken with hindsight. Nevertheless, the developments are undeniable. “The trajectory taken by Parisian crime during the first quarter of 2022 is up compared to the same period in 2021, but is lower than 2019 on most indicators”, indicates the press release from the PP. 2020 and 2021 being years of confinement/curfew linked to the health crisis, the comparison is only relevant with 2019.

Voluntary attacks on physical integrity are down 7.4% compared to 2019. And again, they include domestic violence and sexual violence, which “increase respectively by 45% and 25.2% between 2019 and 2022”. For the PP, this increase is explained “in part by the release of the word of the victims, which results in an increase in the complaints lodged”. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. At the same time, villainous attacks against people “record a significant drop compared to 2019 (-28.4%, or 1,344 fewer victims to deplore)”, according to the PP.

Crimes against property are also largely down, with – 21.1%. In detail, it is pick-pocketing that decreased the most (-24.5%) followed by thefts from trailers (-14.3%), while burglaries recorded a slight increase of 3.5%. These contrasting developments can be explained by a lower presence of tourists, the preferred targets of pickpockets.

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