Paris Hilton: tearful collapse in wedding documentary

Paris Hilton
Tearful collapse in a wedding documentary

Paris Hilton also cries bitter tears in her wedding documentary.

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The wedding preparations at Paris Hilton are probably not going as smoothly as hoped, as the first trailer of their documentary shows.

The documentary series “Paris in Love” for Paris Hilton’s (40) wedding will not only show tulle and cakes. A first trailer reveals that Paris is also plagued by doubts, problems and fears.

At one point, Paris’ younger sister Nicky Hilton, 38, asked her if she would get cold feet. Whereupon Paris explains: “I want to be an adult, but I want to be sure that I am making the right decision.” Then she bursts into tears: “I just don’t want to be alone forever.”

The total of 13 episodes of the reality series accompany Paris and her fiancé Carter Reum (40) through the wedding preparations. There are also some problems that arise. In Paris, for example, old wounds seem to be opening up again with her family. At one point the entrepreneur says: “The healing process with mom and dad is not over yet” and at another: “I have the feeling that I’ve lived for other people all my life.”

Fairytale happy ending?

The documentary “Paris in Love” will air on November 11th on Peacock, NBC’s streaming service. Last year Paris showed a completely different side of itself with the documentary “This is Paris”. In it, she reported, among other things, of abuse in boarding schools during her youth. With “Paris in Love” she wants to show her fans “that I finally get my fairytale happy ending,” she said in an interview with the “Wall Street Journal” in May.


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