Paris “firmly” supports ECOWAS efforts to defeat the putsch

While West African soldiers claim to be ready to intervene against the perpetrators of a coup in Niger, France “supports with firmness and determination the efforts of ECOWAS to defeat this putsch attempt”wrote the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saturday, August 5. “The future of Niger and the stability of the whole region are at stake”, he added in a statement, reporting that the French Foreign Minister, Catherine Colonna, had spoken with the Prime Minister of Niger Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou. Follow our live.

“We must take very seriously the threat of recourse to military intervention”, declared the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. “It’s a credible threat”, judged the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, on franceinfo, Saturday August 5. who took power in Niger, the head of French diplomacy believes that “the threat of recourse to intervention must be taken very seriously by these countries”. “There is still a little time for the putschists to return power [l’ultimatum a été fixé à dimanche].

The United States suspends aid programs to the government. Washington “suspends certain international aid programs for the benefit of the government of Niger”, declared the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken in a press release on Saturday August 5. But “the delivery of vital humanitarian and food aid will continue”added the Secretary of State.

“I am still the ambassador of Niger in France today and tomorrow”, assures the ambassador of Niger in France. “As long as President Bazoum, the legitimate president, is in office, I will be Niger’s ambassador to France”said on franceinfo Aïchatou Boulama Kané, Niger’s ambassador to France, while the pustchites, who are holding President Mohamed Bazoum, asked her to leave office.

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