Paris bans rental scooters: Au revoir, e-scooters – economy

Paris was one of the first major cities to introduce scooter rental. Now she is the first to ban her again. How could it come to this?


Kathrin Müller-Lance, Paris

It’s been five years since the Trottinettes, as the e-scooters are called much more elegantly in French, conquered Paris. Back then, in June 2018, the promise was big: cruise along the Seine from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower in fifteen minutes. Roll down the hill of Montmartre from the Sacré Coeur. Go from café to café along the Canal Saint Martin. And all this without the stuffy metro or crowded buses. Paris was one of the first major European cities to introduce e-scooters. Now Paris is the first of them to ban Lime, Dott and Co. rental scooters again.

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