Parents’ Sexual Survival Manual

EDIT: For these summer holidays, find in “Minute Papillon! »The episodes of our meeting« Everything is explained », Which evokes questions of sexuality and society. For this fifth part, the author Flore Cherry evokes the sexuality of the couple after a birth

In our podcast Everything is explained, our meeting which talks about intimacy, we meet Flore Cherry to talk about married life, to talk about married life, sexuality after the birth of a child. An event most often happy, but which upsets the depths of us, our relationship and our sex life.

Sex journalist Flore Cherry and illustrator Guenièvre Suryous sign Parents’ Guide to Sexual Survival, to
Taboo editions (9.90 euros). A “guide” in which questions are asked such as: “how to continue to maintain a relationship of lovers when you become a dad-mom? “, Or:” How to continue to be super sexy even with time, fatigue and the kids? “

Parent and lover?

Even before the birth, the pregnancy period can be complicated because the entourage, even strangers in the street, will give advice, not always wanted, on what to do and what not to do. A position that is both destabilizing and infantilizing that must be rejected, underlines Flore Cherry.

“You have to know how to refuse this infantilization to a certain extent and come to trust yourself. I think it is necessary to achieve a fulfilling sexuality. (…) You really have to be on the lookout for yourself first, ”she comments.

“The arrival of a child in the couple catalyzes all the problems of sexuality or all the problems in general in the couple. For example, a drop in libido (…) the relationship to your body ”, underlines Flore Cherry. His advice: take care of yourself, and especially not, in the list of “things to do”, put the whole world and tasks before you.

Be yourself first

“In the hierarchy, it’s your child, then just after, it’s you,” she recalls. “Once you enjoy to death, there, maybe, you can to like your partner “. The return to a sexual life in the couple takes time, and in particular, if desired, penetration practices.

Finally, the sexuality specialist recalls that accepting to be an imperfect being relieves social and individual pressure. And that patience, communication and self-acceptance are the keys for new parents and lovers.

To listen to Flore Cherry, it’s as easy as clicking in the audio player above.

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