Parents of students launch two job offers to compensate for the absence of teachers

Position to fill: contract French teacher 20 hours – Position to fill: contract French teacher 9 hours. This is the title of the recruitment advertisements spotted by France 3 and posted on social networks by the MPE 13 (Movement of Parents of Students) which hopes in this way to raise awareness about the situation of middle school students at the Collège du Roy d’Espagne, in the 9th arrondissement of Marseille. An initiative taken in agreement with the head of the establishment, specifies the parents’ union. Here, in the midst of the Oudéa-Castera controversy, the new Minister of National Education, is enough to find a little resonance.

“We have already received four applications from fully qualified people who have already taught,” says 20 minutes Séverine Gil, vice-president of the MPE 13. Not enough to satisfy the parent of a student who is wondering: “I wonder how [le rectorat] goes about recruiting. In my job I do recruitment, and it’s a job.”

If this “communication operation”, as Séverine Gil calls it, resonates with current events, the trade unionist specifies that it “had been thought of before the minister’s reaction. But the subject is not the absenteeism of teachers, that, I don’t know if it is real and it is the problem of National Education, but that of the non-replacement of long-term absences “, she specifies. The fact remains that this type of initiative sometimes moves the lines. Like two years ago, when “the Giono college (still in Marseille) was looking for a CPE. We then solicited candidates and obtained responses which led to recruitment,” remembers Séverine Gil.

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