Parents attack the State for non-replacement of absent teachers, a first

Thing promised, thing due. The group of parents #Onveutdesprofs, which threatened to sue the State because of the thousands of hours of unreplaced lessons suffered by students, took action. This Thursday, September 22, they filed 127 requests in the rectorates of France, claiming from the State 10 € per hour of lessons not provided for second-degree students, and 50 € per day of uninsured lessons for first-grade students. degree.

According to figures provided to 20 minutes, two-thirds of complaint files relate to establishments located in Ile-de-France, i.e. 91 files, a large part of which are in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis (respectively 45 and 27 files). The reflection of a mobilization born in these two departments, and particularly in the Marie Curie – Gérard Philipe college group, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

291 hours of lessons missing in Montfermeil

The parents’ collective has identified more than 6,500 hours of missing lessons in Ile-de-France just for secondary school, where English appears to be particularly affected, followed by music and sports lessons. The college of Montfermeil (Seine-Saint-Denis) is in an even more tense situation since the mobilized parents have identified 291 hours of lessons missing in 2021-2022 for the class in question, i.e. almost a third of the year lost (11 weeks out of 36, according to the parents’ group).

But the phenomenon affects the whole of France. According to a survey by the first union of school heads, the SNPDEN-Unsa, 62% of colleges and high schools said they lacked at least one teacher between September 1 and 8. With significant disparities between the academies: if 88% of the establishments of the academy of Limoges said they had all their teachers, this was the case only for 23% of those of the academy of Créteil, or even 14, 6% in that of Grenoble.

Online form

#Onveutdesprofs also claims to have nearly 1,500 files in the process of being created, which affect the whole of France. Fort-de-France, Grenoble, Lille, Montpellier… “Twenty academies have joined the action”, argues the collective. Parents who wish to join this mass litigation can complete a online form.

The Minister of National Education promised in August that there would be a teacher “in front of each class in all schools in France” at the start of the school year. But on the ground, and despite the recruitment of 4,500 new contract workers for this start of the school year, the promise is not borne out.

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